A new Acronym for A New Normal? WFH – Work From Home
The COVID-19 pandemic has perhaps given us a glimpse into the future of work. The new normal might mean you may want to work from home.
Things have been strange and a lot of us have had to make the shift from working in a social environment to working from our kitchen tables, home, alone. It took some getting used to, but it has been pretty good, for the most part. Employers have realized that productivity does not go down when employees work from home, zoom meetings are shorter and more on topic, employees are relaxed, it is pretty much business as usual.
One of the ways to accomplish this is to designate a workspace that is a ‘workspace’, somewhere that offers you enough space to work comfortably and is quiet for concentrating, phone calls and zoom meetings.
Set your daily to-dos, plan your week, take your regular breaks and lunch and wear work clothes to your ‘office’. I have a friend who did a major reno and converted his garage into a home office. He is a fiscalist – essentially a tax accountant – he rarely if ever has clients come to his home office yet he wears a suit to work every day. It helps you feel more like you are at work.

However, there are a few downsides and one of them is the tendency to let the workday bleed into your home time, after all the laptop is right there on the dining room table. It is important to set rules for yourself as well as for your co-habitants whether 2 legged or 4.
If working from home has been easier and more productive than you thought, it may be time to make the move – literally.
Farrell Properties has the perfect solution for you, our one bedroom PLUS. These units offer you a great flex space – a dedicated office that is separate from the ‘living’ space with enough square footage to double as a guest room should the need arise.
Here is an example of what this looks like, they average around 900 square feet so plenty of room for your living and working needs. Give us a call or visit the website:
802-861-3000 ext. 11